Reservation Reservation

Hotel Policy

[Check-in] 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. [Check-out] No later than 10 a.m.

Cancellation Policy

On or after check-in date: 100% of room charge
1-2 days before check-in date: 100% of room charge
3-7 days before check-in date: 75% of room charge
8-10 days before check-in date: 50% of room charge
11-14 days before check-in date: 20% of room charge

No cancellation fee will be charged in the following cases, even if a cancellation fee is stipulated in the accommodation plan.
- If public transportation near the Hotel or near the guest who made the reservation is suspended until 10 a.m. on the check-in date due to natural disaster, riot, war, or other disturbance, or if the Hotel cannot be reached due to blockage of expressways and/or main national highways.

Accommodation Agreement

Article 1 (Application of General Terms and Conditions)
Accommodation Agreements and related Agreements entered into by the Hotel shall be governed by these General Terms and Conditions, and any matters not stipulated in these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by law or custom.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the event that this hotel enters into a Special Agreement to the extent that said Special Agreement does not contravene the intent of these General Terms and Conditions, laws and regulations, or custom, said Special Agreement shall take precedence.

Article 2 (Refusal to Conclude Accommodation Agreement)
This hotel reserves the right to refuse to conclude an Accommodation Agreement in the following cases.
(1) If the application for accommodation is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions
(2) If there are no rooms available due to full occupancy
(3) If it is recognized that the person who intends to use the accommodations is likely to commit an act contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations, public order, or good morals in connection with their stay
(4) If it is recognized that any of the conditions stipulated in (a) through (c) below apply to the person who intends to use the accommodations
(a) Organized crime groups as stipulated in Article 2, Item 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991), members of organized crime groups as stipulated in Article 2, Item 6 of the same Act, associate members of organized crime groups, persons affiliated with organized crime groups, and other anti-social forces
(b) If an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group is a corporation or other organization that controls business activities
(c) Corporation that has a member of an organized crime group among its officers
(5) If the person who intends to use the accommodations behaves in a way that causes significant inconvenience to neighboring residents
(6) If it is clearly recognized that the person who intends to use the accommodations has a contagious disease
(7) If a violent demand or an unreasonable burden is made regarding accommodation
(8) If it is impossible to accommodate the guest(s) due to natural disaster, breakdown of facilities, or other unavoidable reason
(9) If the person who intends to use the accommodations is intoxicated and causing a significant disturbance for the surrounding neighborhood, or if a guest speaks or acts in a way that is extremely disturbing to other guests
(10) Possession of hazardous materials (stoves, petroleum, blades and firearms) and items harmful to the human body
(11) Cases that fall under the provisions of the Gifu Prefecture Ryokan Law Enforcement Ordinance
(12) If the applicant is a person to whom Article 11 herein has applied in the past

Article 3 (Disclosure of Name, etc.)
A person who wishes to apply for an Accommodation Agreement with this hotel shall provide the following information to this hotel.
(a) Address, name, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, nationality, and occupation of each guest
(b) Expected time of arrival, company name, telephone number and name of the applicant
(c) Other items deemed necessary by this hotel
If, during their stay, the guest requests to extend their stay beyond the date as specified in Item 2 of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall accept the request as a new application for an Accommodation Agreement only if there is no other reservation for the Hotel, and shall receive the room charge in advance.

Article 4 (Conclusion of Accommodation Agreement, etc.)
An Accommodation Agreement shall be concluded when the Hotel accepts an application for an Accommodation Agreement from the guest him/herself.
However, this provision shall not apply if the Hotel can prove that it did not accept said application.
When an Accommodation Agreement has been concluded pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, an application fee determined by the Hotel, but no greater than the basic accommodation charge for the period of stay (or for 3 days if the period of stay exceeds 3 days), shall be paid no later than the date designated by the Hotel.
In the event that the application fee stipulated in Paragraph 2 is not paid by the date designated by the Hotel pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph, the Accommodation Agreement shall not be valid.
However, this shall only apply if the Hotel has notified the guest to that effect when designating the date for payment of the application fee.
The deadline for an application for reservation shall be 12:00 noon two days prior to the scheduled check-in date.

Article 5 (Cancellation of Reservations)
In the event that the person making a reservation cancels all or part of the reservation (including the purchase of meals, foodstuffs, services or goods reserved in advance), the Hotel shall charge a penalty fee as stipulated in the following items.
(a) A penalty charge of 100% of the charge for the vacation house rental if the cancellation is made on the check-in date, 100% if the cancellation is made 1-2 days prior to the check-in date, 75% if the cancellation is made 3-7 days prior to the check-in date, 50% if the cancellation is made 8-10 days prior to the check-in date, and 20% if the cancellation is made 11-14 days prior to the check-in date.
No cancellation fee (penalty fee) will be charged in the following cases, even if a cancellation fee is stipulated in the accommodation plan.
- If public transportation near the Hotel or near the guest who made the reservation is suspended until 10 a.m. on the check-in date due to natural disaster, riot, war, or other disturbance, or if the Hotel cannot be reached due to blockage of expressways and/or main national highways.
(b) If a guest does not arrive at the Hotel by 8:00 p.m. on the check-in date or does not contact the Hotel within 2 hours after the scheduled arrival time (up to 8:00 p.m.), the Hotel may deem that the reservation has been canceled by the applicant and implement the relevant processing.
(c) In the event that the number of days for a reservation is reduced, the Hotel will collect a penalty fee based on the rate for one day (the first day) regardless of the number of days the reservation is reduced.
(d) In the event that a guest is deemed to have canceled a reservation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if it is proven that the guest failed to arrive without notice due to the non-arrival or delay of a train, aircraft, or other public transportation, or other reasons not attributable to the guest, the penalty fee as described in Paragraph 1 will not be charged.
However, this shall apply only if the guest contacts the Hotel.
Penalty Fee
No-show / On check-in date / 1-2 days prior / 3-7 days prior / 8-10 days prior / 11-14 days prior
100% / 100% / 100% / 75% / 50% / 20%
Note: % is the ratio of the accommodation rate that will be charged as a penalty fee.
In the event that the number of days for a reservation is reduced, the Hotel will collect a penalty fee based on the rate for one day (the first day) regardless of the number of days the reservation is reduced.

Article 6 (Right to Cancel Reservation and Accommodation Agreement)
Unless stipulated otherwise, the Hotel reserves the right to cancel a reservation or Accommodation Agreement under the following conditions.
- If the provisions stipulated in Article 2, Item 3 to Item 12 herein apply
- If the applicant fails to provide the information stipulated in Article 3, Paragraph 1 herein, or provides false information
- If payment of the application fee stipulated in Article 4 herein is requested but not paid by the due date
- If it becomes clear that the person who made the reservation is not the person staying at the Hotel, when concluding an Accommodation Agreement as stipulated in Article 4 herein
In addition, if the Hotel cancels a reservation for accommodation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel will refund any deposit already received for said reservation.

Article 7 (Registration at Hotel)
Guests shall register the following information with the Hotel on the check-in date.
(1) Information stipulated in Article 3, Item1 herein
(2) For foreigner nationals, passport number, place of landing in Japan, and date of landing
(3) Date and time of departure
(4) Other information deemed necessary by the Hotel
* Foreign nationals who do not have a domicile in Japan will be required to present their passport and allow our staff to make a photocopy.

Article 8 (Check-in and Check-out Times)
Guests may enter the Hotel (check-in time) after 2 p.m., and shall leave the Hotel (check-out time) by 10 a.m.

Article 9 (Payment of Fees)
Payment of fees shall be made via the payment procedure on the payment screen of the credit card payment agent.
The accommodation rate will be charged after the guest starts using the Hotel, even if the guest does not stay overnight.

Article 10 (Rules of Use)
Guests shall abide by the rules of use established by the Hotel while in the Hotel.

Article 11 (Refusal of Continuation of Accommodation)
The hotel reserves the right to refuse the continuation of accommodation in the following cases, even during a period of accommodation that it has already been accepted.
(1) If any of the provisions stipulated in Article 2, Items 3 through 12 herein apply to a guest
(2) If a person other than the guest is allowed to enter the Hotel
(3) If a guest does not follow the rules of use set forth in Article 10 herein
(4) If a guest does not observe the prohibited matters stipulated in the rules of use set forth by the Hotel, such as smoking in bedrooms, tampering with fire-fighting equipment, etc.
(5) If the information registered at the Hotel as stipulated in Article 7 herein is discovered to be falsified

Article 12 (Treatment in the Event that Contracted Services cannot be Provided)
If the Hotel is unable to provide the contracted services, the Hotel shall, with the consent of the guest, arrange other accommodations under the same conditions to the extent possible.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel is unable to arrange other accommodations, the Hotel shall pay compensation to the guest in an amount equivalent to the penalty fee, and such compensation shall be equivalent to the amount of compensation for damages.
However, if the inability to provide a room is not due to reasons attributable to the Hotel, no compensation shall be paid.

Article 13 (Handling of Deposited Items, etc.)
The Hotel does not handle deposited items, etc.
The Hotel shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any items, cash, or valuables brought into the Hotel by guests.

Article 14 (Storage of Baggage or Personal Belongings)
Valuables, except for guests’ baggage, will not be received or stored prior to lodging.
If a guest's baggage or personal belongings (including those in a safe) are left behind at the Hotel after the guest has checked out, the Hotel will keep said belongings for 7 days, including the day they are found, after which valuables will be taken to the nearest police station and other items will be disposed of.

Article 15 (Disclaimer)
The use of communication equipment such as computers in the Hotel shall be the sole responsibility of the guest.
The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the user as a result of service interruption due to system failure or other reasons when using computers or other communication devices.

Article 16 (Responsibility of the Guest)
If the Hotel suffers damage due to the guest's willful misconduct or negligence, the guest may be required to compensate the Hotel for said damage.

Article 17 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
Any and all disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be settled in the Gifu District Court and the Gifu Summary Court having jurisdiction over the location of the Hotel, in accordance with the laws of Japan.